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From a collectors copy a of Goya black and white engraving print to a copy from an original color art work from MasterLasterMedia collection…


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The author and artist Carlos Alberto Laster will make for you a one of a kind wire sculpture of a “Bailadora de Bomba”.


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Cuando Michel de Montaigne se retiró a su propiedad familiar en 1572, a la edad de 38 años, nos dice que quería escribir sus famosos Ensayos como una distracción para su mente ociosa. No quería ni esperaba que otras personas fuera de su círculo de amigos estuvieran demasiado interesadas.

El prefacio de Sus Ensayos casi nos advierte: “Lector, tienes aquí un libro honesto; ... al escribirlo, no me he propuesto más que un fin doméstico y privado. No he tenido ninguna consideración en absoluto, ni a vuestro servicio ni a mi gloria ... Así, lector, yo mismo soy el asunto de mi libro: no hay razón para que empleéis vuestro ocio en un tema tan frívolo y vano. Por lo tanto, adiós.”



Queriendo escribir un nuevo libro y no era que necesitaba de algún tema o nueva idea, invite varios amigos y sus esposas a mi casa de playa oculta de la costa ordinaria invadida de carreteras y sonidos de bocinas de autos que repletan las ondas del aire con la regatonería y la bachatearía y no es que no me agrade la música es solo el lugar y el momento que no es el propicio según mi opinión y gusto personal. Entre los invitados estaban poetas, cuentista, escritores de historia, ficción y algunos músicos. Desde luego estas amistades conociéndome bien saben que en algún momento nos sentaríamos a disfrutar de una extensa conversación intelectual, porque para hablar bazofia yo no invito a nadie. Después de una cena marisqueada tomando nuestra bebida aperitiva uno de los invitados se expresó de la siguiente manera de modo que así comenzó lo que en este libro se produjo.
"La historia de hoy en día no es una cuestión de convicción. Es una actuación. Es entretenimiento. Y si no lo es, hazlo así.”


Para la convivencia de nuestro planeta, desde el punto de vista moral, deben predominar en la conducta del hombre las tendencias más convenientes al desarrollo de la vida individual y social. Dicha tendencia se impone al hombre con carácter habitúales y permanente, para que vaya aprendiendo a calificar sus propias acciones, estas aptitudes constituyen el llamado sentido moral de los individuos.

Recordemos que la conducta del hombre refleja la moral individual y la moral individual es el fundamento de la moral social.

Las acciones del hombre, instintivas o habituales, espontáneas o reflexivas, son los elementos constitutivos de la conducta: este debe seguir las inducciones del sentido moral.

Examinemos que actos humanos favorecen en las tendencias racionales de la conducta y en que casos pueden contrariarla.

SMALL-CONFESIONES MasterCoverJune17.jpg

The Five Books or More Special Giftt


The “Bailadora de Bomba” is a 6’’ inches tall wire and paper figure representing a dancer of the rhythms of ‘bomba’ which is part of the AFRICAN lineage of the cultural heritage of the Puerto Rican. In the town named LOIZA ALDEA and the neighborhood of Piñones is very traditional to see often gatherings of families celebrating in their courtyards dances of traditional BOMBA.

This special gift is sign by the artist with the date and name of person / or organization who purchased the 5 books or more of our collection at AMAZON BOOKS.

Laster’s silkscreens, wire  and paper figures and masks are known to be as part of art collection of very worldwide famous people such as Luciano Pavarotti.

What are you waiting for? Visit AMAZON BOOKS STORE and see the author/artist Carlos Alberto Laster collection of books in English and Spanish. Laster is the president of MASTELASTERMEDIA, INC .  Coamo, Puerto Rico.

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History Woman's Liberation Movement

Some research has brought to light that Puerto Rican woman were far ahead of their time regarding the

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MASTERLASTERMEDIA, Inc. It has nothing of an ordinary run of the mill BOOK STORE. Is dedicated to promote exclusively the publications of the author Carlos Alberto Laster Torres. The themes of the collections and series of the books here promoted are not randomly selected, but carefully developed to entice readers who are in search of subjects that provokes, twinkles and awakens the imagination to the point of appreciating the fascinating virtue of reading. Some ancient books are translated to the Spanish language, others edited from the old English to the modern, and others are adapted for to dates world. Fiction and Non-Fiction, Memories, History, Mystery, Poetry, Novels, Fairy Tales, we have them all in short and selected collections. We do not sell books on this site, we promote them and you can order them thru our sales department at AMAZON BOOKS. Our complementary gifts for each book are delivered thru this site.

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Adventure Search for Self

Voltaire was Loved and Hated by many for the same reasons, his satirical way of criticizing the society of his times, but ZADIG was written for all the adventures lovers…

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Our Story

Carlos Alberto Laster, a multi-talented artist who has been dedicated since 1978 to many of the manifestations of the arts and cultural activities in both New York City and his beloved island. During his years living on the Island of Vieques (1984-1992) he gave free arts and crafts workshops on rural public schools, opened a restaurant called CURRICAN, opened an Art Gallery in Isabel II, contributed with various groups in the effort pro rescuing the island from the U.S.A. Navy. He also worked as drama teacher at school Herman Rieckehoff. He inaugurated the Multipurpose Center of Vieques with his theater work adapted from the "Wizard of Oz" which was also presented at the Johnson School of Santa Cruz. His puppet show against war toys entitled "Serving of Love" was presented during the Festival Viequense in Fort Conde de Mirasol. In 1989 with his camcorder recorded one of the most relevant episodes of the struggle of the people of Vieques for their dignity as islanders. It has always been his interest to develop the magic of Puppet Theater in different marginalized communities. So he worked in several of the Centers Sister Isolina Ferré in the city of Ponce (1992-1994. There he opened his Boria Art Gallery in the Paseo Arias where he present live theater and art exhibitions of painters and artists of the southern area of ​​the country. He studied at the Professional Academy obtaining an Associate in Fashion Design with the famous designer Carlota Alfaro.

When traveling for a second time to New York City (1995-2006) he worked with Taller Boricua in Spanish Harlem then at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College. During his work at the Library Evelina Antonetti, he revived from the archives the original puppets of the Cockroach Martina and Perez The Mouse used by the first Puerto Rican librarian Pura Belpre White in New York and started to sparked his interest in the development of Puppet Theatre making a presentation to the library for teachers and public honoring the memory of Pura Belpre. He also did theatrical and poetry performances at the Taller Boricua where he collaborated for several years. 

His interest in poetry was cultivated from a young age being inspired by their first readings of poets such as Ruben Dario, Nicolas Guillen, Clemente Soto Velez, Francisco Matos Paoli, Jose de Diego, Gautier Benitez, and Luis Pales Matos among others. Although he began writing poems at a young age, it was not until 1976 that began to keep his writing papers and today have become white to yellow.  Over the years residing in New York he remained in the production of puppet plays, short stories and poetry. VIVA magazine in New York a supplement of The Daily News whose edition was dedicated to Celia Cruz commemorating the first anniversary of her death, published a poem of Laster titled “Poema Ecléctico para Celia Cruz”. He was the host for several months at Julia's Jam Poetry Night held the first Thursday of each month in the space of Taller Boricua Gallery located in the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center, 106 and Lexington (the neighborhood). Also on several occasions he was invited poet by Hope Community in the evenings 'Poets with Café' in the garden Modesto Flores in 104th Street and Lexington. Laster study "Fine Arts" at Parsons School of Design exchanging his work as a model at the same institution. In 2004 he created the successful concept of GALLERY 106 which was the first exhibition of outdoor art on 104th Street between Lexington and Park Ave where the main Puerto Rican artists form the city of New York participated with their guests. He was the first Puerto Rican to participate in National Puerto Rican Day Parade as one of the Three Kings mounted on a carriage of Central Park pulled by a white horse in 1998.

He was master of ceremonies and invited to read at the Nuyorican Poet's Café by Colombian poet Ricardo León Peña-Villa, during the presentation of his book "New York: My Own Witness./ “Nueva York - Testigo Propio" He also participated in the launch of Danny Rivera’s book about his Vieques experience in the same place. He worked at the Nuyorican Poet's Café as events coordinator of poetry and drama of his creative authorship in the fall of 2006. He returned to Puerto Rico in December 15, 2006 year. From (2009-20011) served as the Captain Toro Al Diente a themed restaurant where he was the creator of entertainment and  promotional events besides been  the designer of the façade of the pirate ship that was use by the company. In the same period he participated as one of the first coordinators of the "Poetry Out Loud" a program sponsored by the National Endowment for The Arts. In 2014 worked in several plays, commercials and movies. In October he participated as part of the cast of "Women and Servants" by Lope de Vega (world premiere work which for three centuries was not presented on any theater) as part of the 50th Anniversary Theatre Festival of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture. In 2015 he starred in the series of "Mad Dogs" filmed entirely in Puerto Rico in a scene with Ben Chaplin. 

Laster is currently keeps writing poetry and translating ancient writings anonymous for children and adults in order to be published during the year 2016. He lives in Coamo, Puerto Rico. His first book entitled "Ai Lai Quiu" urban poetic rhyme was published in September 2008 by Lady Lee Andrews of the Poet’s Passage in San Juan. He is writing his third book of urban poetry rhyme that covers 10 years of writing. His first novel in a series entitled "Love & Lust, The Sensuousness Of  The Tropics"   is based on diaries found in the false bottom of an old trunk belonging to Harriet Elizabeth Wagner, a young woman who came to Puerto Rico in 1926 to teach English from Litchfield, Minnesota, it is now available on AMAZON & Kindle BOOKS. Laster had published over 20 books on various topics including among them "What Do I Know About Woman" pertaining to the Women's Liberation Movement. He is the president of MasterLasterMedia, Inc. a non-for profit for the manifestations of the ARTS.

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Our Story

The first time when I came across the “Suicide note from a Cockroach in a low income Housing Project” that Pedro’s left on the floor on the same spot he found it, between the cat’s and dog food plates next to a trashcan filled with cigarettes buts and canecas of Palo Viejo’s rum, lying on that dirty floor of the 17th floor of the low income housing project on 106 street between Park & Madison Ave, were as more of 70 % of the o tenants were Puerto Ricans, I figure, ¡well what else can you expect! I went inside the bedroom and was not sure what was what I really saw laying on the mattress, for a few brief seconds I thought I saw something like a T.V. rabbit antennas coming out of her forehead but the detective Lebronsky told me right then to get out, which I did. Ji-Chi Roach its nickname was the report said was between 35 to 44 human years old (based on the average life time spam of 20 years of her species and the average human lifetime spam of 75’s during the 1970’s in New York) to me it didn’t look a year older. I would have never dare to asked Pedro or to explain to me what was he doing in that apartment at that particular moment of the tragic misfortune. I never ever brought out the subject during our 34 years mutual respect friendship since the day I met him at the low income housing project as I know he was visiting Papo’s apartment where the best pot was deal, according to sources. Nobody ever knew that I was in that building that day except Pedro. No one paid attention to me including detective Lebronsky except for a few seconds. The reason I was there I have not told nobody including Helena.

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pero cuando tenía hambre
todo retrocedía con mi cuerpo
y no me comí a mí mismo
pero todo esto se ha corrompido
una operación insólita se efectuaba
yo no estaba enfermo
yo reconquistaba la salud
siempre por un retorno hacia atrás del cuerpo
mi cuerpo me traicionó él no me conocía bien aún
comer es llevar adelante aquello que debe quedar atrás
¿Dormía yo?
No, no dormía
hay que ser casto para saber no comer
Abrir la boca, es ofrecerse a las miasmas
Entonces ¡nada de boca!
Nada de boca
nada de lengua
nada de dientes
nada e laringe
nada de esófago
nada de estómago
nada de vientre
nada de ano
Yo reconstruiré el hombre que soy

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Our Story


De todos los libros que he leido en los ultimos tiempos hice un escogido de los 50 libros que más influenciaron en mi forma de pensar sobre la actitud general de este mundo y que de alguna manera influyeron en mi pasión por la poesía, teatro, historia y cultura universal, filosofía, ciencias, arquitectura, escultura, pintura , música, el cuento, la novela, el ensayo...etc. Pero lo más sorprendente es que fijándome detenidamente quede atónito al descubrir que el 80 % de estos hombres y mujeres por sus escritos o posturas han sido estudiados por famosísimos letrados y catedráticos de las universidades más importantes de Europa y los Estados Unidos y todos ellos han sido colocados o añadidos junto con otros artistas de las letras en la lista de los llamados los “MAS LOCOS” o "MALDITOS", mentalmente enfermos, esquizofrénicos, bipolares, según los variados términos modernos dados a los arrebatos o trastornos temporeros o permanentes del aparato pensativo del ser humano. Esto hace cuestionarme de cómo es posible que una obra literaria, como cualquier otra verdadera obra de arte, que es creación del genio o facultad creadora que es el don del artista, haya sido producida por una persona considerada loca o demente.

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